Senin, 06 Januari 2014

More Proof That Acupuncture Can Reduce The Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatment

Not only does it turn your world upside-down when you get a diagnosis of breast cancer but the medical procedures used to combat the disease can produce difficult and painful side effects. In fact, some women discontinue treatment because of the side effects. However, not all treatment requires further suffering.  Acupuncture is a wonderful complementary therapy that can reduce pain, alleviate stress and improve your quality of life in addition to easing many of the side effects caused by cancer treatment. Increasingly, researchers have studied acupuncture’s effectiveness in providing relief from various symptoms related to breast cancer and/or its treatment including joint pain and stiffness, one common side effect of breast cancer treatment.    

    Recently, a new study published in the European Journal of Cancer provided additional evidence that acupuncture can be very beneficial to women undergoing treatment for breast cancer. At the University of Pennsylvania, researchers conducted a randomized controlled eight week study using electro-acupuncture with postmenopausal breast cancer patients who were taking Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) and, as a result, experiencing joint pain.

    Aromatase inhibitors are a common hormonal therapy used to treat certain types of breast cancer. Unfortunately as many as half of the patients taking AIs experience joint pain and about 20% will stop the treatment due to the painful side effects. The findings of this new study, provide further  evidence that acupuncture can help reduce the joint pain caused by taking the aromatase inhibitors. After ten acupuncture treatments, the patients who received acupuncture had a 43% decrease in their pain.

    This is not the first study to show positive results combining acupuncture with cancer treatment. A similar study was published in 2010, in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which also showed how acupuncture helped relieve pain and stiffness in breast cancer patients being treated with hormone therapies.

    Modern treatment of breast cancer is offering the best combination of Eastern and Western medicine as acupuncture can be used to alleviate many of the painful side effects that come up during and after cancer treatment. These partnerships raise the standard of care for women who must use their resources to cope with their disease and it's treatment.

Source: Jun J. Mao, Sharon X. Xie, John T. Farrar, Carrie T. Stricker, Marjorie A. Bowman, Deborah Bruner, Angela DeMichele. A randomized trial of electro-acupuncture for arthralgia related to aromatase inhibitor use. European J of Cancer, published online October 28, 2013. 

Sumber :

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014



Meridian ini dimulai dari ujung ibu jari medial (Yinbai 1) yang kemudian berjalan pada batas antara kulit terang dan gelap pada kaki. Dadu, yang terletak disebelah posterior tubercle dari articulus metatasophalanx 1. Terus melanjutkan kearah depan malleolus medialis. Meridian ini terus berjalan kearah tepi posterior dari tibia dan terus berjalan disebelah medial dari tibia, kemudian menyilang meridian hepar-kaki-jueyin dibagian medial dan superficial sebelum mencapai articulus genu. Di femur, meridian ini terus ke atas berjalan disebelah medio-anterior femur, terus melanjutkan ke region abdomen (4 cun lateral dari linea alba), meridian ini akan beranastomose dengan lambung. Pada perjalanan ke atas akan beranastomose dengan meridian hepar-kaki-jueyin pada titik Qimen. Kemudian meridian ini menembus diaphragm melalui Zhong Fu dari meridian paru-tangan-tayyin, terus menuju leher di trachea, mencapai akar lidah yang kemudian menyebar kea rah bawah. Salah satu cabang meridian ini pada waktu dari lambung masuk ke diaphragm dan akan menyebar kearah jantung.

Hubungan Organ
Dimulai dari limpa dan mempunyai hubungan dengan lambung, jantung, paru-paru dan usus kecil.

Gejala dan tanda-tanda :
Pada meridian ini : Rasa berat pada kepala dan truncus, panas, rasa lemah pada anggota badan, atau nyeri pada mandibula dan pipi, lidah susah bergerak, atropy otot lidah atau extremitas, rasa panas pada lutut, edema pada tungkai bawah dan kaki sering ditemui.
Pada viscera : Nyeri epigastric, diarrhea berlendir dan berair, perut berbunyi, muntah, spleenomegali, nafsu makan menurun atau icterus, kembung dan dysuria.

Indikasi : Region periumbilical : lambung, usus halus dan penyakit pada urogenitalia.