Rabu, 18 Desember 2013

Ear Acupuncture Effective In Reducing Bulging Waistline, Study

South Korean researchers have found an easy way to shed holiday weight or body fat. No, they are not recommending any new kind of diet chart or exercise regime, but suggesting you prick your ears.

Researchers at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea have found ear acupuncture (auricular acupuncture therapy) to be effective in weight loss. Obese participants were able to reduce their Body Mass Index (BMI) by six percent within eight weeks. Plus, they had low body fat and a smaller waist.

One of the various treatments relating to ear acupuncture administered during the study involves inserting needles 2mm deep on five points around the outer ear and a second one just targets a single spot called the 'hunger' point.

The auricular acupuncture therapy is based on the fact that the outer ear represents all parts of the body. Dr Paul Nogier from France first used the treatment in 1956 to cure a patient's backache.

For the study, researchers asked 91 overweight adults to follow a restrictive diet, one that is not intended to slim down, and also forbade them from engaging in any form of physical activity for two months (observation period). Among the participants, a third of them were given the five point treatment, 30 people were assigned the 'hunger point' method, while the rest (15) were given a 'sham' treatment.

The researchers found that, participants, who belonged to the first group, saw their BMI go down by six percent, while people in the one-point group were able to reduce their BMI by 5.7 percent. Those, who were given the five-point treatment, were able to shed the 'spare tyre' more effectively than the other participants.

The finding has been published online in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine.
Previous studies suggested that traditional methods increase metabolic rate but cause hormone imbalance and suppresses appetite by releasing natural painkillers.

Many experts said that the findings were unreliable.

"It is hard to think of a treatment that is less plausible than ear acupuncture. Consulting an acupuncturist will reduce your cash but not your body weight," Edzard Ernst, a professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University, said, Daily Mail reports.
Sumber : http://www.universityherald.com

Minggu, 15 Desember 2013



Kebutuhan terhadap tenaga akupunkturis secara umum masih jauh dari harapan masyarakat khususnya di Madura tenaga akupunktur masih sangat minim. Maka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut maka Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) MITRA HUSADA membuka kursus ilmu akupunktur terapan bagi siapa saja yang berminat untuk mengembangkan diri di dunia trapis dan pengobatan.

Materi Pelatihan :
1.       Sejarah Akupunktur
2.       Teori Yin Yang
3.       Teori Lima Unsur (Wu Xing)
4.       Teori Fenomena Organ (Zang Xiang)
5.       Qi, Xue, Jin-Ye
6.       Etiologi dan Patogenesis TCM
7.       Anatomi Titik Akupunktur
8.       Metode Penusukan Jarum Akupunktur
9.       Praktik Penusukan Jarum
10.    Praktik Penanganan Pasien
11.    Praktek Kop/Bekam Api
12.    Praktek Moksibusi

Pemateri :
Teguh Setiawan, MM, M.Si, Apt, Akp
(Team penyusun kurikulum akupunktur nasional, guru akupunktur dan herbal di beberapa lembaga, dan team penguji Lembaga Sertifikasi Kompetensi Akupunktur Indonesia – LSKAI).

Peserta pelatihan mendapatkan fasilitas :
1.   Sertifikat Kursus
2.   Diktat
3.   Alat dan Bahan Praktik
4.   Snack dan Makan siang
5.   Air mineral

Syarat mengikuti pelatihan :
1.   Telah lulus SMA/MA atau yang sederajat
2.   Mempunyai keingin yang tinggi untuk berkembang

Waktu pelaksanaan :
Jum’at, Sabtu dan Minggu tanggal 17-19 Januari 2014. Jam : 07.30 – 17.00 Wib

Investasi/biaya :
Rp. 1.500.000,-

Pendaftaran dibuka sejak pengumuman ini dikeluarkan. Hal-hal yang belum jelas bisa ditanyakan langsung di sekretariat pendaftaran :
Desa Pananggungan Guluk-Guluk Sumenep Madura Jawa timur
HP. 081 752 44 217 / 082 331 858 375
PIN BB 295620F6

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang beragam dari masyarakat maka dibuka juga beberapa kursus sebagai berikut :

1.       Akupunktur Terapan,
2.       Akupunktur Reguler,
3.       Akupunktur Kecantikan,
4.       Aurapunktur (Akupunktur Anti Aging)
5.       Akupresure,
6.       Refleksi Kaki,
7.       Refleksi Tangan,
8.       Tuina Chuzhen,
9.       Bekam,
10.    Herbal Tanaman Indonesia,
11.    Herbal TCM
12.    Terapi Lintah
13.    Totok Wajah

Info lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi :
Desa Pananggungan Guluk-Guluk Sumenep Madura Jawa timur
HP. 081 752 44 217 / 082 331 858 375
PIN BB 295620F6

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